Huong’s Peace Mural

In my last entry, I mentioned that I was going to visit the Peace Mural exhibition in D.C.  I went.   My call to action:


Here is a person with something to say.  If you live in the area or will be visiting for the inauguration, take a side trip to see and participate in this “piece for peace”.  

As I entered the space, I was awestruck by the colorful tapestry of canvases and panels.  As I drew deeper into the space, I began to weep at the powerful images and because of the sheer number of them.  I wandered to the second floor.  There were panels and canvases in process, still wet.  I smelled the paint.  The artist Huong, a slight woman, came around the corner and approached me.  She shook my hand and began talking about the project.   I began to cry again.  She hugged me! 

Huong explained that she was a teenager in Vietnam during the Vietnam war.  She said that it was the American Youth protesting the war that inspired and ultimately saved her from that war.  Yet the horrors of it lived within.  This project, 15 years in the making, is cathartic – and it is magnificent.  GO.  Themes include: Voices of Children, Voices of the Troops; Mothers in War, The Peace of all Nations, The Flag at War, The Displaced and the Disabled, The cry of Refugees, and The Tortured.

If you cannot make the exhibition, go here: 
If you are interested in the peace movement, go here:

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